In August 2022, an eight-day summer sports camp took place for Jewish and Bedouin girls ages 13-16, with 42 girls from around the country participating (including 24 Bedouin and 18 Jewish girls).
The camp, which was held in Kfar Silver, allowed the girls to forge bonds through sports and shared dormitory lodgings. The connection was followed up by a reunion, which included the girls’ parents in the hope of strengthening the bond between the girls and expanding the impact created to other circles. The meeting took place in the village of Abu Queider, the home of most of the Bedouin teens who took part in the camp, and included a tour of the village, the sharing of post-camp experiences by the girls, lunch, and a sports activity. It was the first time the Jewish girls visited an unrecognized Bedouin village and a first time the Bedouin girls hosted Jewish friends. This event enabled a face-to-face meeting of the families, and the strengthening and expansion of the bonds between the girls and their communities.
In light of the success of this program, another summer camp will be held this year in the same format, with the participation of around 50 girls. This year, the camp will again be operated by “Kadima Mada”, the representative in Israel of World ORT.